Votre code de validation google


Google tracking code validation doesn't work - google


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Bonjour, Le code qui t'es demandé est apparemment celui de Google Webmaster. Tu peux le trouver en te connectant sur l'interface Webmaster de Google.

receivesmsforfree.com - Verify Number for Free. G-883835 : votre code de validation Google. 39 minutes ago.+AUTHMSG. Votre code de vérification Circ est: 553463. Google tracking code validation doesn't work So, I simply copied the code and pasted it in my website's base template. Everything work...Everything works! Realtime analytics, google's debug script gives no errors, but... when I click demographics tab, or any other one requiring the script change, I need to validate the tracking code. Validate Tracking Code for Google Analytics - Support |…

Tagged: google analytics, validate tracking.In Google Analytics, there are additional features to see richer reports like Demographics, etc. But Google wants the Analytics Tracking Code Script changed and updated.